Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Audience Participation Requested

Ok, so I know that there has been much debate about the First Lady Michelle Obama's healthy lifestyle campaign called Let's Move because people don't really want to be told how they and their families should live or what they should eat, but The President's Active Lifestyle Award is something that I want to work on.  I mean, what's so terrible about saying that we want the individuals in our society to happy, healthy, active people? I have absolutely no issue with that sentiment. I have decided to sign up to take on the President's Challenge!

On the website, there is a section to log physical activity of all sorts. It isn't just about running or weight training or whatever activity that you may or may not find absolutely torturous. There is a way to log your house work, playing with your kids, or steps from a pedometer if you prefer. The site also has nutrition goals to choose from like drinking more water or choosing whole grains, and you get to pick a different goal each week. Below I will copy the official guidelines to earn the PALA for adults:

            Adults (that’s anyone aged 18 and older), your goals are:

  • Physical activity. You need to be active 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. As an alternative, you can count your daily activity steps using a pedometer (goal: 8,500).
  • Healthy eating. Each week, you’ll also focus on a healthy eating goal. There are eight to choose from, and each week you will add a new goal while continuing with your previous goals. By the end of the six weeks, you’ll be giving your body more of the good stuff it needs.

There is also a Presidential Champions Award for people who are already very active or for people who want another challenge after earning the PALA. I am one of those people who really struggles with staying active in the winter, so I have decided to do the 2 month PAL challenge first, and then I will use those first two winter months to push myself to keep active with the Champions Challenge. Besides, who doesn't want to get more awards? I will put the guidelines for the Champion Challenge below:

Here’s how it works:
  • The goal is to be more active more often and see how many points you can earn.
  • You’ll earn points for every activity you log in our free online activity tracker. Points are based on the amount of energy each activity burns.
  • The more points you earn, the sooner you’ll reach the point total required for your desired award: 40,000 points for bronze, 90,000 for silver, 160,000 for gold, and a whopping 1 million for platinum.
Let's get started on earning our awards! First go to the official website to register. Then choose your challenge, and while you are there, make sure to join the Anything For 10 group! I have created a group for us to motivate and challenge each other to meet the individual goals we have set. The group is called Anything For 10, and it is a public group so feel free to invite your friends and family to join even if they don't read my blog. Just go the the groups tab on the website after you have made an account, and then search for the group name, Anything For 10. I have selected a mantra for our group beyond the Anything For 10 mantra of my blog. 

Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can. 

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