I know that the holidays can be busy, and that there is also an abundance of delicious food at-the-ready, so it is easy to pack on the pounds. I am going to go on the record saying that it is ok to pick some splurge time. It is crazy to think that us Average Joe types can make it through these very social times without enjoying Grandma's pie or warm buttery rolls. So I am going on the record as a supporter of the holiday splurge. With that being said, I do have some guidelines as well.
When I say the holidays, I mean the holidays proper, and not so much the greater holiday time-span. If you are a Christmas fanatic like me, then you may already have your tree trimmed, stockings hung with care, and even a few presents wrapped. What can I say, I really love Christmas. This does not mean that it is time to splurge. A month or more of splurging that begins at Thanksgiving and then usually lasts through the New Year is generally what people fall victim to, but the splurging should be kept to the actual time you plan to spend with family or friends. It doesn't mean gorge every time you have a gathering either, but have a slice of pie or an extra roll. And most of all, be honest with yourself about how much you are willing to work, or how much ground you are willing to temporarily lose.
Get moving! Holidays are very social times, so start a new tradition of doing a family turkey trot, playing some football, ice skating, or just take a walk after dinner instead of settling in on the couch for a snooze. It is fun to get the whole family involved, and it is a great way to promote an active lifestyle for kids or family members you may want to see in better health, but aren't sure how to help them get going. I did a pilgrim run last year with my family on Thanksgiving, and this year Matt and I did a Turkey Trot on Saturday. If you go to visit family or friends away from your home, then spend some time walking around to see the area's sites or museums. Matt and I stayed with friends in DC this year and spent all day Friday walking around the National Air and Space Museum. I think that probably made up for the turkey trot I made him do the next day.
All in all, I think most of us focus in on family, food, and fun during the holiday season, but don't forget to add the fourth F: Fitness! Even if it's only for 10!
So I love Denise Austin and her workouts. She has a fantastic DVD that has 12 minute workouts varied from cardio to strength training to yoga. Why not up the 10 to 12? It's called the Daily Dozen. I would recommend it for busy times of the year like the holidays!!