On the website, there is a section to log physical activity of all sorts. It isn't just about running or weight training or whatever activity that you may or may not find absolutely torturous. There is a way to log your house work, playing with your kids, or steps from a pedometer if you prefer. The site also has nutrition goals to choose from like drinking more water or choosing whole grains, and you get to pick a different goal each week. Below I will copy the official guidelines to earn the PALA for adults:
Adults (that’s anyone aged 18 and older), your goals are:
- Physical activity. You need to be active 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. As an alternative, you can count your daily activity steps using a pedometer (goal: 8,500).
- Healthy eating. Each week, you’ll also focus on a healthy eating goal. There are eight to choose from, and each week you will add a new goal while continuing with your previous goals. By the end of the six weeks, you’ll be giving your body more of the good stuff it needs.
There is also a Presidential Champions Award for people who are already very active or for people who want another challenge after earning the PALA. I am one of those people who really struggles with staying active in the winter, so I have decided to do the 2 month PAL challenge first, and then I will use those first two winter months to push myself to keep active with the Champions Challenge. Besides, who doesn't want to get more awards? I will put the guidelines for the Champion Challenge below: