Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good Morning!

I am beyond pumped!! Today could not have had a better beginning. It would have been impossible. I woke up feeling well-rested before my alarm went off, which I love! I let Matt sleep in another 15 minutes while I got up to eat my pre-gym snack and get ready, and what did I hear? BIRDS!!! I had just thought to myself as I drug myself in from work, that maybe I just can't hear birds chirping in the morning now that I live in an apartment building, but I am so glad I was wrong. I absolutely love the first time I hear birds chirping in the morning each year. AND today is the first day of Spring! It is fate! I know that it is supposed to get cold and snow again this weekend, but for now I am going to revel in this glorious morning.

I started off with a great workout in the gym. I even did my abs, which I have been neglecting a little too much lately. I came home, had a small breakfast, watched an episode of Dance Moms (Guilty pleasure!), and then set out for a quick 3 miles. And let me tell you, I was booking it. I am not fast in the grand scheme of things, but for me, I was really pushing it today. My right shin was getting so tight by the 1.5 mile mark, that I didn't think I was going to make it at first, but I stretched quickly and walked it off, and I still had a faster 5k time than I have had so far this year. I was so glad to get in a good run because I just came off those terrible elliptical workouts last week. I have also had low energy so far this week, so it was great to finally break out of the fog I have been stuck in for two days straight.

When I got home, it just kept getting better. I checked my email, and I had my March Newsletter from the Delaware Marathon, and I had a race registration announcement from Bryn Mawr Racing Co. I really wanted to do the Midsummer Series last summer, but I didn't get to. They do three Thursday night races spread throughout the summer, and although my last Bryn Mawr racing experience was less than courteous to slow racers like me, I am still excited to do this series. I even signed Matt up to run with me. Hope he's as pumped as I am...hahaha! I should really just be glad he puts up with me. Thanks for sticking with me through all my craziness, running related and otherwise, Matthew!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had a great morning -- and I'm also glad that I'm not the only person who watches Dance Moms!!! hahaha I LOVE it... it's awful, but I just can't stop watching...
