Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gaining Perspective

Ok, so I have pretty much completely abandoned the training schedule that I started out on. I have had a lot going on with my work and personal life, so getting up before 4 am to run just wasn't working out. The thing is, I am running for fun and health benefits, but if I am so stressed on following a schedule, then I have completely thrown those two things out. I talked to my sister about how stressed I'd been, and this Half will be our first ever race together, and she isn't going to be at peak performance either. We haven't completely discussed it yet, but we WILL be running together. I am going to tell her that she has to stay with me. I'm not looking to PR, and she already has a pretty good PR for only having run two Half Marathons before. I am going to attempt to run a long run on the 5th, but is also a big day in my life because my boyfriend will be graduating with his undergraduate degree, so if I don't get the 10 in on that morning, then I am not going to sweat it. I am just going to enjoy the day either way.

I did do a short trail run this weekend at a nearby state park. I enjoy trail running with other people, but I am not really cut out for trail running in general. My boyfriend really psyched me out before I went, and it was my first solo trail run. He was pretty worried though, so I did carry my phone with me the whole time. I was ok by myself until I almost tripped on a turtle... and then there were some GIANT bees that scared the crap out of me...and I may have mentioned in earlier posts that I can be a bit skiddish. I did manage to take a picture of some of the scenery, but the picture just doesn't do justice to the beautiful sight that I was able to experience in person. The picture doesn't really show how beautiful the rolling, tree-covered hills in the distance are, but I have added it below anyway.

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