Half Marathon Clan
I slept well the night before, and I even went to bed about an hour early accidentally because I was so excited to get ready to run. I had no trouble waking up on time on race day, and I slowly got ready. I had a banana and half a bagel for breakfast, which I have now decided was not enough. Those of us running the half headed out on the race organized bus that took runners from the hotel and race site. We stretched, walked around, stopped at the porta-potties, and caught up with an old family friend. He is in the United States Army, and he ran the race carrying an American flag! I am proud that I know him, and I am super impressed and inspired by his fitness level!
My brother and his wife ran on their own, but my sister and I stayed together the whole way. My brother and his wife both hit a new PR! My sister and I had a good pace, about 11 minutes, through the first 6 or 7 miles, but then everything went downhill from there, but not in the good way like a downhill run. Around mile 4 I started feeling some slight pain in my left foot, which only progressively got worse...and still hurts. Remember that paragraph where I mentioned that I didn't eat enough breakfast? Yeah, I also started getting sick around mile 6, so I would throw up in my mouth and then swallow it because there were too many people around to just start puking everywhere. I had expected the aid stations to have food because some of them did at my first Half, but this time they didn't. I knew I would have to walk some, but because I was in pain and feeling sick, we walked way more than I wanted to. I looked like a giant pile of crap by the time I got to the end, and the pain was very clear when looking at me. There were random spectators who read my name off my bib and started cheering me on. I whined a lot and got pretty angry at a few points, but my sister stayed with me the whole way even though she told me later that she thought I was going to punch her, but she knew that I didn't have the strength to.Post Race
The sisters and our cheerleader!
I'm sorry the race didn't go as well as planned, but congratulations on persevering and finishing anyway! Also, I am excited to see some reviews of running books. I haven't read any, so maybe you'll inspire me to. Good luck with the move this week; I know how much of a hassle that is!